Monday 4 December 2017


01/12/2017 Lesson:

Hot seating your characters can help you develop how you represent them. It also gets everyone on board by delving into the backstory of the character. For my character in my film opening entitled Robotica, we decided to interview our protagonist in order to develop his character further. 

We were inspired by an article written by Charlie Sierra about building the back story to film characters in which he quoted from Riding The Alligator, a book written by Pen Densham, an Academy Award nominated filmmaker. In one of the chapters in the book, he provides a check list of questions every writer and director should ask of themselves when they are developing their characters. The purpose of this is to outline a deep understanding of your characters for both the actors and director, and for motivating a character’s choices or actions.

Today in class we dedicated the majority of our time filming our hot seat interview with the Robotica CEO, Martin. We worked together to form a script which the interviewer andinterview would follow.

After creating the script, we began setting up the cameras in the room where the interview would take place. We set up 2 cameras which would allow us to use the film technique, shot reverse shotThis would allow us to create a more realistic and effective looking interview.

In addition, Luca came up with the idea of using clip on microphones for the interview, this would make it sound much more professional and less grainy audio which can really spoil the effect. As a result of this, we took up the time to research for 2 decent quality clip on microphones. We searched through Amazon before finding the ideal product (shown below).


When filming we used 2 cannon 750D cameras as well as our new clip on microphones which we plugged into our phones and recorded using the voice memo app. We then sent the recordings to my laptop where Luca then uploaded it Imovie and replaced it with the original grainy audio.

We recorded in 2 areas, the first being the interview room and the second being a door 
which Max would walk through at the intro to give it more effect.

Below is our Hot Seat Interview:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent camerawork and organization of this shoot. You contributed to the shoot by organzing the microphones and directing the shoot with Thomas.


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