Tuesday 30 January 2018


I have been inspired by films such as Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive (2011) because of its use of framing. In the video tutorial Every Frame A Painting, on Drive - The Quadrant System, I learned how narrative complexity is achieved through using the creative use of positioning characters in different quadrants. Here, for instance, attention is focused on Ryan Gosling in the upper top left quadrant but also on Carey Mulligan and her boyfriend whom he is gazing at, in the lower right hand quadrant. We are invited to visually compare the two men and see the long shadow one casts toward the other. The two sides of the frame tell different stories, which enriches the film work. 

In my own work, I intend to pay careful attention to composing the frame in the Dining Room Scene, i put tow lines downwards and across on the picture below to show the different stories being shown in the four different sections.

1 comment:

  1. Thougtful work. Can you identify how you will aim to do so?


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