Friday 12 January 2018


Today in class me and Tom made an ident for our project, we worked as the co-production group and made an ident for a production company called "Snake Productions" we worked on IMovie, we started by finding a green screen animation on YouTube, we downloaded an animation of a snake attack, we then put it onto IMovie and started editing it, we initially put the green screen animation into IMovie and then proceeded to put our production companies logo on top of the animation clip with the overlay settings so it looked like the snake was slithering around the logo. We then added a thirty second hissing sound in the background to reflect the snake. The pictures shown below are the logo of our production company, the picture of the website we used to download our green screen animation, and two pictures of out editing process.

1 comment:

  1. Very good work, Richie, showing creative endeavour in new technologies. Can you add the ident itself?


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