Tuesday 27 February 2018



Welcome To My Blog!

I worked with LUCA STEFANUTTI 1556, MAX BEHAN 1502 and THOMAS PALLISER 1587.

I hope you enjoy my blog for 9607 Media Studies Foundation Portfolio.

Our brief was to make the titles and openings of a fictional thriller film. The title of our film is Robotica. Our film is immediately below. My Preliminary Exercises are above in the pages section.

All my RESEARCH and PLANNING follow below on the main blog roll, in reverse order, starting with the latest first. To present my research and planning, I have used a wide variety of platforms and tools such as Emaze, SlideShare and Piktochart. 

My CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION is above under Pages. Clicking on the tab CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION will show the research and planning that went into our responses to these questions. To present my responses, I have used the following platforms: Question 1: Blogger, QuickTime Player And Pinterest. Question 2: Blogger. Question 3: Emaze And Blogger. Question 4: Emaze.

My Contribution To Our Film Opening:

  • I filmed the bench scene where Martin Bethan walks up to the bench and watches the RICK advert.
  • Tom and I co-directed Martin Bethan's green screen scene.
  • I was the cameraman for the office scene between Martin and Luke.
  • I directed the balcony scene between Toni and Luke.
  • I filmed close ups of Tom and Luca in the altering Rick scene.

Our Film:

(For the HD version version click here)

Tuesday 30 January 2018


I have been inspired by films such as Nicolas Winding Refn’s Drive (2011) because of its use of framing. In the video tutorial Every Frame A Painting, on Drive - The Quadrant System, I learned how narrative complexity is achieved through using the creative use of positioning characters in different quadrants. Here, for instance, attention is focused on Ryan Gosling in the upper top left quadrant but also on Carey Mulligan and her boyfriend whom he is gazing at, in the lower right hand quadrant. We are invited to visually compare the two men and see the long shadow one casts toward the other. The two sides of the frame tell different stories, which enriches the film work. 

In my own work, I intend to pay careful attention to composing the frame in the Dining Room Scene, i put tow lines downwards and across on the picture below to show the different stories being shown in the four different sections.


Today in class we were filming the two green screen scenes which involved Max for one shoot and our classmate Charlie for another shoot, both for the news report section of our film opening. Max started off by setting up the green screen which includes two poles with clips, which held the green screen in place. The first green screen was showing the owner of company Robotica "Martin"answering questions about their new product "Rick" and after a few questions he says that he will not answer anymore questions.

The other scene we filmed with the green screen involved a news reporter saying that Martin Bethan had released Rick on the Robotica website, and he was releasing this news to the world.

Sunday 28 January 2018


Today in class we decided to film one of the last scenes that we had to do which was the scene of Luke and Tony talking about the development of Rick and how far they have got with enhancing his technology.

Max directed this scene, as well as being cameraman and decided to do a shot-reverse-shot camera angle to capture both angles of the two of them talking. In order to do this he had to position Luca and Tom in the right positions as well as making sure the extras that we had in the background of this scene. As well as directing the scene Max was cameraman and had to make sure the the focus was fully on Luca and Tom whilst the background, including the extras were blurred. 

As a group we decided to choose this setting as it is presented like the outside of a coffee shop. Luca and Tom both had coffee cups with them to add to the setting. For Luca' shots we had to position him differently as when we did the first take, the background didn't fit in with the setting.

(Credit To Luca For This Picture)

Tuesday 23 January 2018


First visit to London (29/12/17)

On our first visit to London we went to Luca’s father’s office, Comast Construction. It was during the Christmas break to it was empty and meant we could be free where we filmed. We shot 2 scenes in the office that day. The first was the scene when we showed our newspaper prop which Luca created and the second was the balcony scene when Luca was plotting. In addition, we also filmed a quick shot scene of me preparing a tea.

Once we arrived at the office we got dressed into our suits and began setting up our created props such as Max’s Robotica name plaque. We used different angles when filming to ensure the audience knows we are working in a proper office and not a decorated classroom as we wanted to make our film look professional.

Second visit to London (22/01/18)

On our second visit to London we needed to film a scene of Martin Bethan (Max) on the phone, cinematic shots of him on a bench, making a phone call followed by watching the advert and Tony (Tom) steal Rick (Richie) with Luke (Luca).

We started off by bringing the drone into London and filming in a quiet park where we wouldn’t disturb anyone. The shots we got looked great and after that was done we went to another park nearer Luca’s dad’s office came to my father’s office where we filmed Martin watching the Robotica Advert.

Soon after we finished filming we waited a little bit for it to get darker, this is when we got ready to film the stealing Rick scene. We used a mattress cover (the same one used in the altering Rick scene) to wrap Rick up to make it out that he was “new”. Furthermore, we also used a large Box Sack Truck to wheel Rick on as it looked more professional than just making him walk or carry him.

Editing And Additional Information

We filmed our scenes with a cannon 750D as well as Dji Phantom 3 Professional Drone and Luca edited with iMovie.

When editing the office scene, he added in office ambiance sound effects which involved people talking, phones ringing, typing as well as other “office atmosphere” noises. Moreover, Luca used other sound effects such as a ringing phone and a hang up button sound which he downloaded off YouTube using the YouTube-to-Mp3 converter.

For music he downloaded some royalty free tracks off Epidemic Sound which is a copyright free music platform full of different tunes for different genres.

We filmed the majority of our dialogue with our iPhones using the voice memo app and once recorded we airdropped them onto my laptop where Luca would import them to iMovie.

Sunday 21 January 2018


Risk Assessment - Off Site Visits

Trip name and destination: Visit to Canary Wharf Date(s) of trip: 22nd January 2018

Transport eg accident/delay/platform safety/
missed train
Travel by SW trains

Travel through Surbiton station to Waterloo

Travel on London Underground

Walking around the streets of London

Students looking wrong way and getting knocked over.

Students being hit by a train or falling onto track

Student misses train

Flying drones

Walking into traffic

Students trips

Monitor eachother during group travel by keeping an eye out for eachother.

Make sure not to rush onto trains and board and alight in an orderly manner

Make sure to stay in contact with eachother

Students to be made aware of traffic risks.

Monitor road crossing and only cross at designated pedestrian crossings.

We have use of a drone for filming and if we decided to use it, we would follow advice by the Civil Aviation Authority: http://dronesafe.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Dronecode.pdf

(1) The person in charge of a small unmanned surveillance aircraft must not fly the
aircraft in any of the circumstances described in paragraph (2) except in
accordance with a permission issued by the CAA.

(2) The circumstances referred to in paragraph (1) are:
(a) over or within 150 metres of any congested area;

(b) over or within 150 metres of an organised open-air assembly of more than
1,000 persons;

(c) within 50 metres of any vessel, vehicle or structure which is not under the
control of the person in charge of the aircraft;
(d) subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), within 50 metres of any person.
(3) Subject to paragraph (4), during take-off or landing, a small unmanned
surveillance aircraft must not be flown within 30 metres of any person.
(4) Paragraphs (2)(d) and (3) do not apply to the person in charge of the small
unmanned surveillance aircraft or a person under the control of the person in
charge of the aircraft.

(5) In this article 'a small unmanned surveillance aircraft' means a small unmanned
aircraft which is equipped to undertake any form of surveillance or data

First aid issues

Trips or falls over
First aider to be present at event

Rain - possibility of slipping, wet clothing

Students are required to bring appropriate jacket with them

General public eg theft/assault


Student causes incident with member of the public

Major Incident Occurs e.g. terrorism, natural disaster

Threat of pick pocketing on underground or in crowded locations

All students and staff
Students to stay in group in central London

Students are not to approach other members of the public or respond to any comments intended to provoke.

Students to be advised on their responsibilities and school expectations. 

Students to remain in the vicinity of staff at all times in central London.

Follow guidance and advice of emergency personnel. 

eg risk assessment from centre, bedding
No overnight accommodation


Staffing eg ratio, first aid cover
1 to 6 ratio


Major public incident e.g. terrorism
Act of terrorism given national threat level
Group could become caught up in a terrorist incident causing injuries or separation
Ensure venue has assembly point and pupils know where it is, as well as giving pupils assembly points whilst on public transport

Ensure pupils know the national advice to run if possible and hide if not

Ensure pupils know to always follow police instruction

Issue pupils with printed emergency contact card detailing school landline and school mobile – instruct them to call if they become lost (as well as alerting security official)

Ensure trip leader has a school mobile and also contact details for both the school and all pupils + families

Carry first aid kit at all times

Monday 15 January 2018


Today in class (15/01/2018) we filmed the scene of revealing the Robot Rick and how the two workers altered with the settings of the robot without the permission of the CEO Martin Bethan, the two workers start by revealing Rick from a large mattress cover and then proceed to hook him up to the computer where they will alter his settings, Tom who plays the character Tony tells the new specifications to Luca who plays the character Luke and he ends it with "But the processor is unstable" this then explains Rick's reason for attempting to stab Tony at dinner.We filmed three scenes, the first scene we filmed was a close up of Rick in the bag, the second was the reveal and the final scene was Tony changing Ricks specifications. When we had filmed the scene we then imported the videos from the SD card to the Mac that we had previously been editing on.

Today in class (16/01/2018) we filmed two short scenes of Luca who plays the character Luke turning on the light switch, and we also filmed a short scene of the light flickering. The light flickering created an effect of uneasiness in the room and made it look like the room that Tony and Luke where altering Rick in was an secret location.

Jurassic World CS

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